Always Fighting for You.
Steps to Take When You are the Victim of a Motor Vehicle Accident

When you are involved in an automobile accident, it is important for you to follow a few simple steps. Immediately after an accident, you should remain calm. This is easier said than done. The accident has happened and unfortunately, you are unable to turn back the hands of time, however, you should do your best to control what you can control after the collision. First, if you can do so safely, try to remove your vehicle out of the way of traffic to a safe location. By doing so, will reduce dangers at the scene of the accident. If the accident was serious, do not move the vehicle. If the accident occured on the highway and you are unable to move your car to the shoulder, you should remain in the vehicle until emergency personnel arrives.
Next you should assess as best as possible how hurt you are. That’s because you do not feel any pain initially does not mean you are not injured. Minor injuries may take time to become obvious due to the adrenaline you will experience after the collision.
Make sure to call emergency personnel if they have not already arrived on the scene. You may also need to call a close friend or relative to tell them about the crash.
Take pictures and get witness information if it is safe to do so.This could be helpful when filing a claim with the insurance company.
Lastly, try to remain as calm as you can. Being the victim of a car crash can be very scary and overwhelming, however, by staying calm, you could decrease any confusion while remaining at the scene of the accident.